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luty 28, 2018 1 min read

“I am the shore and the ocean, awaiting myself on both sides.” ― Dejan Stojanovic, The Shape.

I'm so excited to share with you my new art collection of abstract art!

These beautiful pieces belong to BLUELANDS series, which are a part of my famous Wetlands

In 2015 I released a very successful collection which started my love for the aerial water landscape and I've decided to revisit it after taking on a couple of blue-water-themed commissions. 

And I could not be happier. 

abstract art marta spendowska wetlands

They speak to my obsession with the land I live on, the New England seacoast. I painted outside, mostly on the beach, for the whole month of January (you can see my watercolors on my facebook and instagram) which generated another level of ocean love. 
There is nothing more important than my walks by the beach, giving offerings to the Mother Ocean and jumping in waves from May until November.

abstract art marta spendowska wetlands

The paintings are an extension cord to and of my yearly travels to Poland and Bałtyk Sea, and my current landscape of the east coast, where I live.

abstract art marta spendowska new england beach

All pieces are painted on panels, sold unframed but ready to hang. The gold, like a shine of hope to live well, sparkles majestically. The details show my very personal fingerprint — hidden spots, glowing secret textures. 

abstract art marta spendowska wetlands details

Water guides my heart and water swallows my sorrow.
It’s an element of transformation that washes away the old. It’s a place of home and it’s a place of blue vast N O W H E R E.
Beautiful and scary, like the time we have on this delicate earth.

See new art here →

abstract art marta spendowska wetlands new england landscape


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