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News from my world full of art & wine.

marzec 29, 2017 2 min read

Hey friends Marta here!
It’s a intro time, because it’s been a loooong overdue.
It’s a perfect time for a little chat to welcome all of you, and most importantly new faces!
H E L L O , Kittens!

First, 3 things about me and below you better tell me 3 things about yourself :

1. I’m currently in-between houses (still looking to buy that perfect one) and I’m considering purchasing a bigger land and building my own studio from shipping containers: industrial, glass on both ends, steal + wood. I found a contractor bc I can not do these things myself — too impatient.
2. Why #Bloomlands? I’ve got this question a couple of times. Many reasons, but — Have you seen my father’s garden?? We always laugh that he’s skilled to plant tomatoes between bushes even. So, my Blue ocean series was about Balty Sea and travels in Poland, flora about plants and all is connected with these family experiences.
3. I’m flying to Poland in a couple of weeks and I’m excited to see everyone and shop for new cloths. Why? Because I haven’t bought any piece of anything wearable since my last trip and it became a tradition that I only shop in Poland. Europe stuff—so much better, sorry! I splurge on art supplies, magical stuff.)

S O — H E L L O ! 🤘

YOUR turn! Tell me where are you from (especially if you’re on the east coast) and your top 3 characteristics ! Go ! 🦄 .
#martaspendowska #abstractartist #maineartist #lovemaine #mainelife

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