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News from my world full of art & wine.

styczeń 20, 2017 1 min read

≈ the tidy place of Orange ≈

Hey friends Marta here!
It’s Friday and a perfect time for a little introduction to welcome all of you, and most importantly new faces!

1. I am 100% Polish and this is my 11th year in USA already. Married—7 years.
2. I run 2 streams of business: commercial illustration and fine art and I love both, dearly.
3. My favorite color is orange, pink and mint. Unless! Unless it’s gold — IF that’s a color.
4. I have tattoos inside of my eyelids and I would never have courage to do them now… eeeew! Scary!
5. I’m a new transplant to Maine state and actively looking for a new house in New Hampshire (or Maine) . My dream is to create art events once a month and introduce you to Polish beer I mean — beets!
I can stand on my hands for a long time — ex-acrobat.
H E L L O ! 🤘

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The post News from my world full of art & wine. appeared first on Abstract Art, Watercolor from Marta Spendowska.

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