listopad 15, 2017 2 min read
D A Y 12 // G E O R G I A
Happy Birthday, Georgia.
I will see you, yours, off yours very soon, even if in Peabody Essex Museum.
December seems like almost the best month for imagining your genius body within those black dresses and coats.
I know there is at least one pink one—let me touch it soon.
I saw you in Atlanta Georgia for the first time, right after renting all possible art books from the local library.
At that time I lived in 1 room with no shelves, so—my apology for ending up with you on the floor.
But then, in that museum in Atlanta, after walking most of the city because bus tickets seemed too expensive, I cried in from of you.
I cried in front of you.
I cried if front of you.
I hated Alfred for his sweaty cheating palms but then—if it wasn’t for him, maybe you’d never leave NY.
Your profile—perfection.
I’d love your nose, your lips, your chin, your neck, your sunsets and mountains.
“You are one of my nicest thoughts.” ▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴▴
#30daysofHeartNesting : to sit, to sharpen, to soften, to write, to reveal, to remove my blind spots.
Above: my watercolor/homage on paper.
#georgiaokeeffe #peabodyessexmuseum
The post News from my world full of art & wine. appeared first on Abstract Art, Watercolor from Marta Spendowska.
marzec 04, 2019 1 min read
Read Moreluty 20, 2019 1 min read
All my watercolors are on fina art watercolor paper, mounted to panel and framed in white-washed fir, ready to hang. And they are absolutely affordable.