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News from my world full of art & wine.

listopad 06, 2017 2 min read

D A Y 5 // H I G H • T I D E • L O W • T I D E
65ºF outside, New England Fall (snow at Dani which means snow at my previous home). Rain, ok, not perfect but again— 65º. I chose to go to the beach, walk on water and accept the tides of life. ▴
I have been reading a magical text yesterday explaining powers and shifts that need to happen.
We say this: “If you’re feeling sleepy, go and take a nap. Body needs that”. Or : “Take it easy, let the flu run its course.”
Yet what do we say if we’re stuck in loneliness and lack of money? We chase superficial contacts and, very possibly, superficial money. We don’t say: Let’s let it run its course.

From the Powers perspective, you must not chase. Fate has its patterns, powers’ job is to move around and shift things. If you’re feeling sick, let it sicken you, if you can. If you’re low on resources, it may be necessary for you to use your powers elsewhere. And all, with grace and detachment. No, I’m not high on mushrooms 🤔

There is a funny correlation with this very pleasing thesis — pleasing, because thinking of life as a relaxed state of mind makes my morning chai taste gloriously.
So, the correlation is this: every time I go to Poland for 4-6 weeks, work slows down. It’s like an autoimmune response to overwork.
Family first.
Walks and Bałtyk Sea first.
Polish books and theater first.
Currently my tide is low on energy and high on introspection. I take that. Heart over bones.
Today I cooked chili with scallions and a small pinch of cinnamon. Ok, a huge one, cinnamon adds sun to my rainy day, and promises healing. It’s perfect, laptop is shut.

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