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The Truth No 22

kwiecień 28, 2015 1 min read

Precious. Everything. The Truth No 22: “Work very hard. But only as much as you have to.”


It’s a collaborative project between Elle Luna and The Great DiscontentEveryone is invited. For the next 100 days I will be painting my abstracts and pairing them up with Truths that come to me during my quick meditations. I will try to keep it not stuffy. 
This will get me on the meditation pillow. No matter what comes out from it — an introspection about pasta or life — I’ll name it. So, for 100 days I’ll be on my pillow for 10 minutes and whatever comes from it will be on paper+in the title. 

TAGS: #100AbstractTruthsVERYMARTA #MoMa100Days #TheGreatDiscontent

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The post The Truth No 22 appeared first on Abstract Art, Watercolor from Marta Spendowska.

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