November 25, 2017 2 min read
DAY 17 // A N N I V E R S A R Y
Exactly 1 year ago, tired, sweaty, stressed out of our minds, we arrived.
It took us 5 months to pack up, close up the business in Wisconsin and move to York, Maine, for starters.
I still remember the 1st night—not easy. I saw fear in my husband’s eyes—displaced, with a track full of stuff, leaving everything behind. Me? Much easier. I left /everything/ many times before; country, cities full of friends, comfortable places and people.
On day 2 I cried out of joy, walking the shore and imagining the NEW.
Today marks 1 Year New England Anniversary. We haven’t bought the house yet but • I’ve never swam so much in the ocean before • I’ve never ate so much seafood
• I’ve had the best business year • I lost 15 lbs, quit coffee, quit bitting nails
• I found amazing art friends
• I joined a couple of art associations and will have an exhibit in the heart of Portsmouth in the heart of summer ‘18
• I divined with cards for over 100 of people
• I learned what land connection means and I honor it every day
For the first time in 12 years in USA I’m feeling like I know what home is even without a home to our name. I live within nature and walk to beach as often as I can because : iodine, pink marhsmalow skies, negative ions, cotton candy clouds.
Astrologically and intuitively I know 2018 is going to be even bigger, not necessary better, but important. I can’t wait to have this lobster 🦂 scallops and local beer in a few and make my diary (does anyone call their journal a diary anymore?) listen to my 1 year long plans again.
B L E S S E D 🧚
The post News from my world full of art & wine. appeared first on Abstract Art, Watercolor from Marta Spendowska.
March 04, 2019 1 min read
Read MoreFebruary 20, 2019 1 min read
All my watercolors are on fina art watercolor paper, mounted to panel and framed in white-washed fir, ready to hang. And they are absolutely affordable.